
Pathogens or infectious diseases are transmitted through the air on carriers such as water droplets or dust particles. 



Increasing the Air Hygiene of Your Facility

Pathogens or infectious diseases are transmitted through the air on carriers such as water droplets or dust particles. When someone who is infected coughs, sneezes, or even breathes, there are moisture droplets which become airborne and become the carrier of the virus. Small 0.3-1.0 micron particles are light enough to remain airborne for significant amounts of time and can contribute to the spread of the disease to others at a much greater distance.

All HVAC filters remove a range of particles and different filters have different ratings for this purpose. This is referred to as the MERV rating which stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. This is a scale from 1 to 16 with filters rated as MERV 1 capturing the least number of particles and MERV 16 filters capturing close to all the particles in the air. Choosing a filter with the correct MERV rating can have a dramatic impact on reducing the number of viral particles in the air, and therefore the chances of spreading airborne infectious diseases within your facility.

Benefits of Upgrading Air Filters

• Lower Total Cost of Ownership
• Improved Indoor Air Quality and Occupant Protection
• Reduced Labor and Disposal Costs
• Improved Equipment Performance
• Possible LEED Points

Reduction in Risk of Infection Across Different MERV Rated Filters


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