
It’s no secret that the future of manufacturing will be in jeopardy if the industry does not face the growing skills gap. The baby boomers are retiring and manufacturers are falling short with skilled succession plans behind them. The solution to this critical challenge is right in front of us. Millennials represent our greatest opportunity to meet the workforce needs. Tooling U-SME will discuss how Millennials, with their curiosity and desire to push boundaries, offer a unique perspective for the workplace: one that can lead to loyal employees and strong business results.

During this 25-minute webinar, viewers will gain an understanding of:

  1. Identify common characteristics and facts surrounding the Millennial generation.
  2. Reveal stereotypical myths attached to the Millennial generation.
  3. Identify the opportunity for manufacturing to attract and retain the Millennial generation in order to eliminate the skills gap.

To view the webinar on our YouTube channel:  

Webinar Playback: MSC & Tooling U-SME: Embracing Millennials: Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap And Gaining A Competitive Advantage

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