Option 3: Machine Wash
It may be prudent to use multiple pairs of gloves and alternate them throughout the day until they’re no longer reusable due to visible deterioration. If using leather gloves, please request specific laundering instructions for leather gloves. Fiber options such as HPPE, Dyneema®, cotton, terry cloth, Kevlar, and other string knits that are supported or unsupported can be machine washed using these instructions. Fiber options are not recommended for resistance to bacteria or viruses.
1. Use commercial laundry soap or detergent that does not contain chlorine-based chemicals, bleach, or dry-cleaning solutions. Oxi Clean or equivalent is the preferred detergent to avoid shrinkage of gloves.
2. Machine wash in warm-hot water up to 194°F. Recommended to wash at 140°F for 15 minutes for optimal results. Gloves should be machine washed at 203°F if coming into contact with food.
3. Rinse in pure cold water up to 194°F. Recommended to rinse at 140°F for 15 minutes for optimal results. Gloves should be rinsed at 203°F when coming into contact with food.
4. Recommended tumble dry at 131°F for 15 minutes for optimal results. Gloves should be placed in a tumble dryer at 140°F if coming into contact with food.
5. Repeat wash and rinse if gloves contain heavy dirt or grease. You may use several pieces of heavy canvas/cotton in the second wash to help remove deep grime from the gloves.
NOTE: warmer temperatures can be used except on HPPE and PVC-based products in which these temperatures are the MAX.
Talk to Us!
Has this protocol been validated beyond the CDC research cited? And if so, how?
33Hi Ella,
Dependent on the environment, application and type of industrial or general industry glove being used, OSHA would have information on guidelines. We suggest doing a search with your specific criteria + 'OSHA'.
We hope this helps
31I work in an industrial facility. It was suggested, to save costs on purchasing latex gloves, that I wash my hands with soap/water, wearing the latex gloves to clean from one bathroom to the next. My argument is that this practice passes dirty germs from one bathroom to the next if I am not allowed to don a clean pair of gloves. I do come in contact with bodily waste when cleaning the bathrooms. Is this a safe practice?
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