
IM Vending Eye-Candy: The Master Thread

Elisa H.'s picture
Elisa H.
MSC Moderator
IM Vending Eye-Candy: The Master Thread

MSC has a wide variety of resources to assist your workplace in adapting to the new normal. Once of the more exciting ones is our ControlPoint Inventory Management Solutions.

Here are some pix of installations the hard-workers of Team MSC successfully implemented both before and during the COVID period. Do you have one of our vending solutions? Share your pix! Are you a memeber of Team MSC who's implemented installations? Share your pix with us too! Who doesn't love seeing lean at work?

Are you interesting in our vending solutions? Get the full 411 here. Take control of your inventory today.


Elisa H.'s picture
Elisa H.
MSC Moderator

Vending promotes security, accountability and traceability over your inventory with a single point of control. Vending units are modular, configurable, and flexible with a dashboard view of your product inventory.

More pix:








Elisa H.'s picture
Elisa H.
MSC Moderator

A single point of control enhances visibility and accountability of your inventory, driving cost savings and streamlining operations for your company. Our team of experts work together to identify the ControlPoint solutions that make sense for your company’s needs. It’s this combination of people and functionality that can make a difference and have a positive impact on your company by:

  • Pinpointing opportunities that improve productivity
  • Increasing visibility and control
  • Minimizing the footprint
  • Reducing costs

And now for more pix!





Elisa H.'s picture
Elisa H.
MSC Moderator

At MSC, we are known for coming together as one team to help organizations increase efficiency, create unity and provide solutions for lean inventory management.









This is great! Go team! Here's a few more vending pix from LinkedIn:

I love this one! :)


I think I saw someone online call this install "a thing of beauty." Can't argue that!



This one too:

Tom H.'s picture
Tom H.
MSC Moderator

Now’s the perfect time to take control of how you manage inventory with a custom-built ControlPoint™ solution. MSC offers next day replenishment of critical items like PPE, so you can keep your team safe and working.

Elisa H.'s picture
Elisa H.
MSC Moderator

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