

You're invited to watch the webinar playback of “Introduction to Additive Manufacturing and Common Pitfalls”. During this webinar, you will discover a greater understanding of Additive Manufacturing that can help you generate greater productivity through innovative solutions. 

Presented by Chris Barrett, President & Founder of 3DDirections LLC.  

Webinar Agenda:

  • The Beginning of Additive
  • The Seven Types and Their Most Likely Pitfalls
    • What is it Additive Manufacturing Good for?
    • Commonplace Additive Issues
    • Material and Tolerance Drive Everything
  • The Colliding of Software and Hardware
  • Follow the Money
    • Aerospace and Biomedical 
    • As costs and defects are reduced, other industries are rapidly joining
    • Patents


About the Host: Christopher Barrett is the President and Founder of 3DDirections LLC, a consulting firm for de-risking the adoption of additive manufacturing (AM). After working as the factory fellow at America Makes, as then a Ph.D. Candidate at Youngstown State University, he realized the immense need for unbiased, practical advice for companies as they decide how to enter the AM space. Company tours and education were a regular part of the weekly routine at America Makes and as the leading additive technology expert for the company this was a great networking opportunity.

His previous clients have included CEO’s weighing through the financial risks vs rewards, and technicians struggling with failed builds and the proper layout of support structures. Additionally, he has consulted on various research projects including designing CAD models and support structures for struggling clients.

Christopher’s background as both a researcher of in situ monitoring using direct metal laser sintering equipment and technician for numerous other classes of printers, has afforded him the unique opportunity to run and troubleshoot printers from all seven ASTM categories. This experience has allowed him to see the good, bad, and ugly, which is invaluable when deciding whether to walk down a designated path. He prefers a practical budget-oriented approach when guiding companies to ensure bottom line is continually met throughout the process. This often includes finding indirect ways to support final part production instead of always directly printing final parts, as he is a firm believer in traditional manufacturing techniques.

Talk to Us!

I tried to watch the webinar but I could not get in to your site. I was unable to sign in and watch the webinar. Is there some way for me to watch it now ??
Hi Janet, Sorry for the inconvenience. We will be posting a video recap of the webinar in the coming weeks. Please check back soon. Thank you for visiting Better MRO.
Hi Janet, The playback is now available.
Still can’t play the webinar ???
I appologize, please view and subscribe on our YouTube channel:

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